How It Works

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    Meeting with a Hiring Specialist, we collect as much data as possible from your company's current hiring process.

    • Old job descriptions
    • Current job descriptions
    • Your preferred interview questions
    • Company-wide regulatory requirements

    Little or a lot, Hussle can work with what you have.

    Hiring Guide Meeting
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    The Hussle proprietary process to enhance your recruitment process. Hussle will process the data collected during your recruiting review with the help of AI tools to create a comprehensive resume 2.0 application for the open positions in your company.

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    Focus elsewhere while Hussle identifies the best people for you

    Focus on your high value work while we spend a few days sourcing applicants for you.

    • Applicants direct to your Hussle dashboard.
    • Resume 2.0 Applications, tailored for your roles
    • Clean and actionable data for simple review
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    Fill your key position

    View all applicants in your Hussle Dashboard. Take a quick look at the applicants. Then you can directly schedule an interview with your top applicants.

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Get started today!

Talk to a Hussle Guide to learn more about how we can help with your hiring